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Begin with the End in Mind (Part #2): What Are You Trying to Build…and WHY?!

Posted by Kevin Cumbus on Feb 7, 2019 12:00:00 PM

In our last blog post, we talked about “the End in Mind” being more financially-oriented as it related to exit strategy and deal structure, specifically around the aspects of: transaction value and actual structure of the sale; requirements post-sale; and strategy necessary to achieve the intended outcome. 

All of those considerations were focused on the actual sale or exit of the business, which ignored something pretty critical to actually getting to that point…

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Tags: Growing Your Dental Practice or DSO, Selling your dental practice DSO

Begin with the End in Mind (Part #1): Linking your Exit Strategy to your Growth Strategy

Posted by Kevin Cumbus on Jan 29, 2019 4:00:00 AM

Over the course of 2018, we were fortunate to host over 50 different businesses in our office. Some of these were private equity groups and search funds; others were established, founder-led group practices; and some were solo doctors with only one or two locations under their belt.  That’s quite a variety, but they all shared two things in common…

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Tags: Growing Your Dental Practice or DSO, Selling your dental practice DSO

No Matter the Size of Your Group Practice Retention is Key to Growth

Posted by Kevin Cumbus on Nov 15, 2018 4:00:00 AM

As the Wall Street Journal notes, a high employee turnover rate can cost “twice an employee’s salary to find and train a replacement.” Not only are there financial repercussions, a high turnover rate can also lower the knowledge base in your company and decrease performance and morale. If you want to avoid this negativity, it’s best to retain your best employees.

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Tags: Growing Your Dental Practice or DSO


Posted by Kevin Cumbus on Nov 6, 2018 7:00:00 AM

Consulting and M&A Advisory Firm Releases Associate Equity Compensation Model for Group Dental Practices

TUSK Partners, the fastest growing middle market consulting and M&A advisory firm in the dental industry, today announced the public launch of Partnership Pathways. The innovative program is designed to attract key talent, minimize turnover, and increase the value of equity among employees within group dental practices. Partnership Pathways joins a list of other industry-leading services TUSK provides to group dental practices and DSOs.

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Tags: Company News

The One Metric You Need to Know When Scaling Your Group Dental Practice or DSO

Posted by Kevin Cumbus on May 24, 2018 5:59:27 AM

We work with a lot of clients in our Blueprints for Scale strategic consulting program as well as those who visit our offices for one-on-one sessions (called “Full Day Deep Dives”) that inevitably want to know:

“What’s the magic formula for building a successful group dental practice or DSO?” 

They know – and we know – that there’s no “magic formula” or “silver bullet” for success. Having said that, there are some metrics you should know to determine if you’re “on track” for building a successful business.

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Tags: Growing Your Dental Practice or DSO

Crucial Questions: The Credit Criteria Banks Review for Group Dental Practice Financing

Posted by Kevin Cumbus on May 15, 2018 4:03:00 AM

A few weeks ago, my partner, Kevin Arnold, wrote a blog post about “The Reasons DSOs Hit a Debt-Funding Wall” that created a lot of reaction. The subject matter is obviously a hot button for a lot of growing group dental practices and emerging DSOs these days, so we decided to revisit the topic and have a bank weigh in on the topic directly.

Imagine that – asking a real, live banker to share some “inside baseball” on the nuts and bolts of lending in the group practice space! 

Here’s what the boys in dark gray suits and floral ties had to say…

As the dental industry continues to boom, many group practices are reaching key points of growth in their business. Securing financing is a crucial step to scaling your practice and reaching your acquisition goals, but the process can be daunting. However, it doesn’t have to be.

Banks, whether they specialize in dentistry or not, all evaluate the same credit criteria when determining their risk appetite for lending: basic credit, practice ownership characteristics, and the group’s overall value proposition. 

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Tags: Growing Your Dental Practice or DSO

Growing Group Practices and Enterprise-Level Advice: a Recap of the 2018 ADSO

Posted by Kevin Cumbus on May 10, 2018 4:00:00 AM

If you are even remotely involved in the DSO or Group Practice space, there is a very good chance you were in attendance at the ADSO Summit in Austin. The 2018 Summit set a record for attendance and the buzz around the event was nothing but exciting! 

Education and advice from industry veterans was bountiful. What all did we learn?

Here are some valuable pearls…

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Tags: Growing Your Dental Practice or DSO

The Single Best Way to Attract & Retain Key Talent

Posted by Kevin Cumbus on May 3, 2018 4:00:00 AM

Scaling and operating a growing group practice is hard work.  In the early stages, success or failure can often hinge on the consistent revenue produced by your best providers.  You’re not alone.  In fact, “retaining key employees” is the number one challenge of every founder-owner of a group practice. 

But what if you could solve the problem of associate turnover in your business?

Could you turn a weakness into a strength? 

Or even create a competitive advantage?...

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Tags: Growing Your Dental Practice or DSO

The Top 3 Things Dentists Struggle with Most when STARTing a Group Practice

Posted by Kevin Cumbus on Apr 20, 2018 6:00:00 AM

It seems like everyone these days is starting a group practice or DSO.  And by now, we all know someone who just sold their business for some ungodly amount of money.  Figure it this way: you’re at 1 location, so you’re only 841 away from being the next Heartland Dental, right? 

I mean, really – how hard can it be?...

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Tags: Growing Your Dental Practice or DSO

The Secret of Why DSOs Hit a Debt-Funding Wall

Posted by Kevin Cumbus on Apr 12, 2018 4:00:00 AM

Life is good in your early-stage group dental practice.  Revenue trajectory is positive, your growing management team is starting to click, and the culture across your locations is finally gelling.  With this growth, your profitability is down a bit as you have invested in your management team, but this isn’t a surprise – and you know it’s for the best in the long term.  It’s all starting to come together right in front of your eyes! 

Life is good – and it’s about to get even better…

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Tags: Growing Your Dental Practice or DSO

TUSK Partners

TUSK provides Industry-Leading Resources to Group Dental Practices and DSOs, such as:

  • Full Day Deep Dive - Built to Sell
  • M&A Advisory Services 

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